Oh London, can't I just be there already!? |
I love London!!
I am certain of this, despite never having been there before. I feel like, of all the cities in the world, London was tailor made just for me. And here are five reasons why...
1. I have a thing for Royals
LOVED the Royal Wedding! |
Actually, I wouldn't call it just 'a thing', it's more of an obsession! Lucky for me, the epicentre of all things Royal is London! If I could catch just a glimpse the Queen, I would lose it!
2. I love the architecture
St Paul's is so beautiful! |
I don't think there is anything that can lift a bad mood better than a good stroll around some beautiful buildings. By this logic, I think being in London will leave me with an irremovable smile. The grandness and intricacies of buildings like St Pauls Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament are what sets them apart from anything I could see here in little old NZ.
3. I'm a bit of a history freak
The Tower of London, the holy grail of British history! |
After being settled by the Romans in 47AD (thanks
wikipedia!), the city has gone through a lot! The establishment of the monarchy, a number of wars, a religious divide, the bubonic plague, the great fire and its rebuild, the great depression and of course, the endless pomp and ceremony of Royal weddings, funerals and jubilees. All this has left me with so much to explore, and I plan on seeing it all!
4. I'm a big tea drinker
Tea and scones, anyone? |
I've never got the taste for coffee, it's far too bitter! No, me? I love the smooth, comforting taste of a classic English Breakfast tea. I know I would love it all the better served in a cute teacup with canapes on the side while dining at, say, the London Ritz Hotel!?
5. I love pretty clothes
Topshop, I will shop in you one day! |
London is one of the top fashion cities. Some of the world's best and most well-known brands come from the London boroughs. While Alexander Mc Queen, Burberry and Stella McCartney are nice, I will be just as satisfied with the more affordable brands such as Topshop, Zara and River Island. I can't wait to experience these stores and their products for myself one day! My inner fashionista is DYING to get her hands on a good pair of chinos!
Ahhh, we have so much in common, London and I. It is certain to be a life long love affair!
Rachel xoxo
Ahhh London! It was definitely made just for us! I can't wait to be there! x